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Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Reggae Block Party. As a potential food tent vendor, please be aware of the following information:
Reggae Block Party
Time: 5:00pm – Midnight
Event Date: February 23, 2024
Downtown Main Street , The Gator Club, 1490 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236
10 X 10 Food tent is $200.
1. You must provide your own electricity and lighting. The selling of alcohol while vending is strictly prohibited. If you are found to be selling alcohol you will be asked to shut down. There is no refund of the vendor fee.
2. Applications are reviewed individually based on descriptions of products.
3. If you are accepted as a vendor at the 2024 Reggae Block Party, you will be sent a contract to complete and sign. Once the contract is signed you will be sent a Paypal link to complete your payment.
*Vendor fees must be paid within 5 days of receiving the signed contract.
Questions? Call Shantel at 336-918-1658 or Email
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